Date limite des échanges : Antonio Dupont a rejeté un contrat de 172,7 millions de dollars du👇

Date limite des échanges : Antonio Dupont a rejeté un contrat de 172,7 millions de dollars du👇

Trade deadline: Antonio Dupont rejected a contract of $172.7million from the ..see.more👇One of the most decorated pro rugby players in the world has come out as a fierce LGBTQ+ ally.


Antoine Dupont, the captain of the France national team and the reigning European Club Player of the Year, affirmed his support for queer players in a recent interview with France’s most popular gay magazine, Tetu. The headline for the piece is appropriately titled, “No more taboo or shame.”


“Homophobia is not an opinion, but an offense,” he says, before going one step further. “And from now on, if a player makes homophobic remarks on the pitch, I think I would stop the match. Because things have to change.”






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